About me

Welcome to Garden flow

I am the person behind Garden flow and my name is Charlotte Andersson. This material was previously located on the blog Trädgårdsflow (Garden flow) but has now changed name and moved here. I can also be found on Instagram: @charlottegardenflow and on facebook: Garden flow.

For the last 20 years I have lived in Sundsvall. My family consists of my husband and me, our two grown children (19 and 22 years old) and a cat that longs for the spring every year just as much as I do. We live in a wooden house which dates back to 1886 and has beautiful carpentry accents. The garden is approx 1800 m2  and is in zone 4 (Swedish zone scale). Apart from the mature trees, the garden as it looks today has come to being through the last 7 years. The garden has emerged completely according to my desire. I have an overall plan that is translated into action when I have time, opportunity and most importantly the desire.

About me

I love everything to do with gardens and gardening. It is my interest, my passion and also partly my job. I have had ambitions to become both a florist and a garden designer. I am self taught and a big enthusiast. I have a web shop (currently dormant)  that sells a selection of gardening accessories and have had my garden open for the public during the past few summers. Since I started the Trädgårdsflow blog I have also done some freelance writing and photography for amongst others ‘Allt om Trädgård’ (Swedish garden magazine)  and during a year I was the gardening editor for the magazine ‘Lantliv’. Since two years back I have  also been on Instagram: @charlottegardenflow.

When I am not doing something garden related I work with different projects in our family business like for an instance the health restaurant BIM that is now situated in Mall of Scandinavia (in Stockholm). Regarding everything from concepts and interior to information and marketing. Also some photo assignments. I am a middle and upper school teacher.

About Garden flow

The goal is for Garden flow to be a place of gardening inspiration. A garden is about the joy of life, creativity, energy, relaxation and wellbeing. I would like to help more people discover this. Garden flow is a blog but in a new way where the idea of diary entries that follow a timeline is not the most important thing. You could describe Garden flow as a personal web magazine or a blog in magazine form. Of course the actual time and season will always be in focus but the posts will be written to be independent from each other. The content is divided into different categories so they are easy to find. I will offer my thought on everything that has to do with the year in the garden as well as interviews, visits to gardens, bouquets, decorations and something I call garden conversations.

The garden is about the joy of life, creativity, energy, relaxation and wellbeing.


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