With it’s snowing heavily now it is like being brutally reminded not to start sucking up for Spring. What to do? Hardy as I have become through the years I have to say that it is quite acceptable to receive a highly unwelcome snowfall like this at the end of February. It is not like anything can be done about it and it is after all only February. I rather have it now then in the end of April. Several times the snow has pleased it self to come long after the winter has taken it’s leave and Spring has arrived. So, rather now than later. That is if there is any justice in the weather. Hope of milder days is easy to get when there are twigs with their tiny first leaves and in the best cases even flowers. It does not matter what kind. Small delicate ones in glass jars or big arm fulls in buckets. Luxury and energy boosting in different ways. A kind of messenger from the tree filled with courage and a comforting reminder of better days approaching. Day’s that start with a walk through the newly awaken garden to inspect every new inch of green that has emerged and to see the first thrilling Snowdrops. When the whole longed for season is in front of you. The trees has not woken yet nor has the lawn refreshed itself. We are still in the very beginning. It is sufficient to long for after the snow has chased us into the woolly socks and the constant scarf around the shoulders.

Small delicate ones in glass jars or big arm fulls in bucketts. Luxury and energy boosting in different ways. A kind of messenger from the tree filled with courage and a comforting reminder of better days approaching.