In the greenhouse it looks like usual at this time a year. Just like it should. It is hard to fit everything in this 14 square meter greenhouse (it would probably still be lacking space even if it was 20 m2…) To make things easier the dahlias have been living in a simple plastic greenhouse that gets built in the beginning of April and put away at the end of May. It broke last year and I have not got a new one, therefore it is extra crowded right now.

Small and graceful right now but tall and powerful in the summer. Bullwort (Ammi Majus) Today I am re-potting them.

It is not very practical to plant seeds in terracotta.
But sometimes it is nice when it gets to be beautiful as well.
The small woolly plants are silver sage.


Lettuce is growing in many pots to make an early crop. On their way are also sugar snaps, chard, beets, beans and squashes. There is not much that I seed outside since the season is so short. This year I have decided to focus more then usual on edible things and make sure to sow in batches of quick vegetables. Sometimes it’s nice to not have to sow everything. The last few years I have been buying potted basil from the grocery store and replanting them into bigger pots. Saves a lot of time.

We go through a lot of lettuce at our house; the ones you buy in bags, you know with baby leaves. Hoping to be able to cut down the purchases drastically this year.

Pea shoots. Not only for the off-season on the window ledge in the kitchen. Easily sown and delicious. The only thing is to remember to have several pots going all the time. Just like with the lettuce.


The dahlias are skyrocketing and when I counted them I came to about a hundred pots. Ops. ’Mexican Black/star’, that is a hybrid between Chocolate cosmos and Dahlia, is the one that gets started the best. It is going to be exciting to see how it becomes this summer.

Seeds from Dahlia merckii have germinated and are slowly growing. Have not seeded many Dahlias but experience them as easy germinators.

In the greenhouse there is also Rudbeckia Hirta, sunflowers, sweet peas, marigold, zinnias, bullwort, silver sage, K macedonia and others in the planters to meet up with summer in a month. It is hard to believe that summer is only a few weeks away when we are still having both snow and minus degrees at the moment. The long johns are far from put away and the hat gets put on if you are venturing out into the March weather.