Now when the shops have spring bulbs for sale it is possible to treat yourself with some extras for a wreath or two. I like scilla sibirica, tulips turkestanica and ordinary red onions that all have such beautiful colours. Small ones is easiest to use.

To fasten the bulbs on a wreath I use a thicker wire like florists use. Those tend to be available to buy in flower shops or in garden centres. I put the wire through the bulb and then attach it to the foundation of the wreath.

It is also possible to put the bulb loosely onto a flexible wire and then wind the wire with the bulbs around the foundation of the wreath. Then you gently can adjust the bulb on the wire so they end up precisely where you want them. Or put the bulbs tight together onto the wire and attach it on a wreath of moss as I did this time. When all the bulbs are in place, shape the wire to a wreath by twining the ends together.

Of course the majority of my bulbs end up in soil, but a few can be worth sparing to be enjoyed already, specially when found in a sales basket.
